Natali Carlo


carlo nataliFormer professor of History of ancient philosophy, Universita' Ca Foscari Venezia, Italy.

Visting Scholar, Clare Hall (Cambridge); Faculty Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies (Edinburgh); Visiting Fellow, All Souls College (Oxford), chair "Topicos" Universidad Panamericana (Mexico City).

Editor of the collections "International Studies in Aristotle" (Nomos Verlag), and “Studi di storia della filosofia antica” (Ed. di Storia e Letteratura, Roma).

Ca’ Foscari Prize for advanced research; International Prize “A. Jannone” for the research in Ancient philosophy.

Former President of the Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia Antica (SISFA).

His research focuses mainly on Aristotle: ethics, metaphysics, rhetoric. He studied the history and organisation of ancient philosophical schools, Xenophon, the ancient debate on causality and determinism, the relationship between Aristotle’s theory of science and his ethics.

He has published a book on Aristotle's theology (L'Aquila 1974), another one on his conception of practical wisdom (Napoli 1989, II ed. New York 2001), a third one on Aristotle's life and the organisation of his school (Bologna 1991, II ed. Princeton 2013); after that, a book on Aristotle's theory of action (Louvain-la-Neuve 2004), a general presentation of Aristotle's philosophy (Rome 2014), and lastly a book on the method of the Nicomachean Ethics (Rome 2017).

He has translated in Italian with notes Xenophon’s Oeconimicus, (Venice 1988, IInd ed. Rome 2003); Alexander of Aphrodisias’ De fato (Milan 1996, IInd ed. Sankt Augustin 2009) and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, (Roma-Bari 1999, many reprints).

He has also edited the proceedings of a Symposium Aristotelicum on Nicomachean Ethics VII (Oxford 2009), and, with Gaia Bagnati, a “Bibliography on Aristotle” for the website Oxford Bibliographies in Classics (forthcoming).


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