Husson Suzanne


Suzanne Husson, Doctor of Philosophy and lecturer at the Faculty of Letters of Sorbonne University, is a specialist in ancient philosophy. After having worked under the direction of Jacques Derrida for her DEA at the EHESS, she defended her thesis on The Political Thought of the First Cynics, under the direction of Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey (University of Paris IV, 1997).

A member of the Léon Robin Centre, her main fields of study are Cynicism, whose philosophical coherence she endeavours to bring out through a rigorous philological approach, in particular through an analysis of its written tradition, and early Stoicism. Integrating Platonism and different currents of Hellenistic philosophy, her research is now oriented towards a study of the genesis and development of the notion of autarky, in its moral and political implications, as well as in the transformation of man's relationship with nature. She is currently working on a translation and commentary of the Against the Oracles by Oenomaus of Gadara.

Latest publications. La République de Diogène, Une cité en quête de la nature (A City in Ssearch of Nature. The Republic of Diogenes the Cynic), Paris, Vrin, coll. "Histoire des doctrines de l'Antiquité classique", 2011.

With Juliette Lemaire, Les trois Républiques. Platon, Diogène de Sinope et Zénon de Citium (The three Republics. Plato, Diogenes of Sinope and Zeno of Citium), Paris, Vrin, coll. "Histoire de la philosophie", 2021.

Susana Diaz Gallego-Husson es actualmente « maître de conférences » en filosofía en la Universidad de Paris IV-Sorbona, participa a varios grupos de trabajo relacionados con la filosofía antigua en el centro Léon Robin. Sus campos de investigación son la historia del cinismo antiguo y del estoicismo y mas generalmente la historia de la idea de autarkeia en la antiguedad. Ha publicado La République de Diogène (Vrin).

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