Michalewski Alexandra


Born in Poissy in 1977, Alexandra Michalewski holds the Agrégation of Philosophy (2000), and is a former student of the École Normale Supérieure (Paris-Ulm 1998). After completing her PhD in philosophy, entitled The Causality of Forms in the Philosophy of Plotinus, she became a postdoctoral researcher at the CNRS. In 2011, she was in residence at the University of Cologne as postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. From 2012 to 2015, she was a postdoctoral researcher (FRS-FNRS) at the University of Liège (Belgium), where she taught regularly. She has been Research Fellow (CR1) at the CNRS since 2015.

Her work focuses on the cosmology and metaphysics of the Platonic tradition, from the imperial era to late Antiquity. Since 2009, her research has been conducted in close collaboration with several Belgian universities, especially with the researchers at the De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy at KU Leuven, where she is an associate member. She has also organized workshops and conferences in Paris, Leuven and Liège, concerning the  so-called ‘theory’ of Forms and the reception of the Platonic theory of cosmological principles (La puissance de l’intelligible. La théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l’héritage médioplatonicien, Leuven, University Press, 2014, Prix Desrousseaux de l'Association des Études Grecques. Co-edited with P. d'Hoine : Les Formes platoniciennes dans l’Antiquité tardive, Études Platoniciennes VIII, Paris, Belles Lettres, 2011).

One of the main themes of Alexandra Michalewski’s research is the interplay between Aristotelianism and Platonism, from the beginnings of the imperial era to late Antiquity especially regarding (1) the question of the nature and causality of intelligible Forms and (2) the receptions of Aristotelianism in the context of the emergence of Platonic commentarism.

She is currently preparing a new edition and translation of the fragments of the Middle Platonist Atticus.


Co-Director with Pieter d'Hoine (DWMC-KU Leuven) of a funded research project (PICS, 2018-2021) : The theory of intelligible Forms in late Neoplatonism: translation and commentary of books Alpha to Gamma of Asclepius of Tralles’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics.

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